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>Guilherme Thémes

Sobre o palestrante

Guilherme Thémes

Head of Division at the Regulation Department - Central Bank of Brazil

Senior economist and specialist in financial and payments services, with more than 15 years of experience in the Brazilian banking industry and the public sector. In the private sector, Guilherme has worked for the Itaú-Unibanco and the BBM Bank. At the Central Bank of Brazil, he is the regulation manager leading the team to the conduction of studies and proposals to regulate different financial and payments products to consumers, aspects of behavioral, conduct and customer relationship, and rules for fraud prevention, cybersecurity and cloud. He has also worked on forefront innovative projects as the regulation of the Open Finance, the rules for charging fees in Pix, the creation of the payment institutions framework, and the frauds incidents sharing requirements. Guilherme holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Insper and a master’s degree in Economic Policy from the University of Illinois.

12-14th August 2024 - Rio de Janeiro