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>Bianca Lopes

Sobre o palestrante

Bianca Lopes

UNESCO Business Impact Council Member

Bianca is an independent investor, business builder, and identity expert. She focuses on driving meaningful impact through technology and business, and she has supported over 50 financial institutions, 9 governments, and many corporations in reshaping and rethinking their approach to technology and how to use that in their innovation agenda. She is a global thought leader on foundational digital identity, and her central focus is how to rewire finance, data and ESG in the world, using the power hereof, and by founding, leading and investing in leading technology companies across LATAM, US and Europe. Bianca has founded, funded and exited 5 technology companies during the last 10 years. She serves as an Independent Director on several advisory boards within finance, identity, AI and web3, and she is on the Board of UNESCO's International Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence and ESG where she facilitates cooperation between developing brands and organisations to build vibrant, inclusive and ethical AI ecosystems. Currently, she sits on the Board of Management of two major identity companies focusing on interoperable, digital identities for people - and objects.

12-14th August 2024 - Rio de Janeiro