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>Alessandro Raposo

Sobre o palestrante

Alessandro Raposo

VP of Operations and Product at Zoop

Alessandro Raposo, VP of Operations and Product at Zoop. Alessandro Raposo holds a degree in Computer Science from Universidade Federal Fluminense, with specializations at Kellogg School of Management, Fundação Dom Cabral, and Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Administration, Strategic Planning, Leadership, and Enterprise Management. The executive serves as COO of Zoop, co-founder, and advisor to fintechs in the payments sector, with over 30 years of strategic, entrepreneurial, and practical experience in the financial and payments sectors. He has served as an executive at Citibank and Credicard, as executive vice president in the positions of CIO, COO, and CMO at Redecard S.A., and as an advisor for the implementation of five new acquirers in the Brazilian market.

12-14th August 2024 - Rio de Janeiro