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>Lucio Hellery Holanda Oliveira

Sobre o palestrante

Lucio Hellery Holanda Oliveira

Banco Central do Brasil – Department of Prudential and Foreign Exchange Regulation – Deputy Head of Department

Works at the Central Bank of Brazil for 26 years and currently is the Deputy Head of the area responsible for foreign exchange market regulation in the Department of Prudential and Foreign Exchange Regulation. He is part of the team responsible for drafting the new legal framework for the foreign exchange and international capital markets, which modernized the legislation on the subject and aligned it with international best practices and greater international use of the real. He is involved in projects such as the modernization of interbank foreign exchange market regulation, technological innovations, and new business models for international payments, including the regulation of virtual assets within the foreign exchange market. He participates in initiatives led by international organizations to improve cross-border payments and reduce remittance costs. He holds a degree in Engineering, a specialization in Finance, and a master's degree in Economics.

12-14th August 2024 - Rio de Janeiro