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Partner at Potion

Gavin has been a fintech entrepreneur and is a pioneer of open finance and open data. He has promoted customer data rights and innovation in financial services across the globe. Through Potion, Gavin works with regulators and companies to drive better outcomes for people, small businesses and the environment. This includes raising capital, marketing, strategy, proposition development, regulatory engagement, data science delivery and scaling propositions into new markets.

UNESCO Business Impact Council Member

Bianca is an independent investor, business builder, and identity expert. She focuses on driving meaningful impact through technology and business, and she has supported over 50 financial institutions, 9 governments, and many corporations in reshaping and rethinking their approach to technology and how to use that in their innovation agenda. She is a global thought leader on foundational digital identity, and her central focus is how to rewire finance, data and ESG in the world, using the power hereof, and by founding, leading and investing in leading technology companies across LATAM, US and Europe. Bianca has founded, funded and exited 5 technology companies during the last 10 years. She serves as an Independent Director on several advisory boards within finance, identity, AI and web3, and she is on the Board of UNESCO's International Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence and ESG where she facilitates cooperation between developing brands and organisations to build v

Potion Global, partner

Marco is an established Chief Legal Officer from the banking and fintech sector. He spent his career leading legal, public policy, compliance and data privacy teams in major global institutions. He held senior executive positions at Nubank, HSBC, Santander, and ABN-AMRO where he led legislative and regulatory teams, whilst spearheading product development in several regions of the globe. Marco has been directly involved in implementing a wide range of fintech products utilising new payments, crypto, and AI market enablers.

Partner Potion, NED, Author & Speaker, Professor

Highly experienced financial services, technology and regulatory expert working as consultant, investor, independent non-executive director as well as Professor at CASS Business School in London. Author of various books, keynote speaker and innovation enthusiast working across Fintech, payments, digital identity, cyber security and AI.

Partner at Potion

"Sonya is a highly experienced delivery partner specializing in the execution of cutting-edge fintech strategies and visions. She has worked closely with regulators to change the way alternative fintechs are licensed and governed and has pioneered alternative approaches to offering financial services in large global banks. Sonya specialises in the delivery of, and migration to alternative banking platforms. She has also led high-profile programmes to incubate and/or integrate emerging fintechs into global financial service organisations. Sonya has also held senior roles in EY, FIS and RBS. "

Key Speakers

Director of Monetary Policy at the Central Bank of Brazil

Graduated in Economics and holds a Master's degree in Political Economy from PUC-SP. He has been the Director of Monetary Policy at the Central Bank of Brazil since July 2023, with a term ending in February 2027. He served as Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Finance from January to June 2023, CEO of Banco Fator from 2017 to 2021, Advisor to FIESP in 2022, and held positions in the Government of São Paulo between 2007 and 2008.

Executive Director of Consumers and Competition at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK

Sheldon Mills is the Executive Director of Consumers and Competition at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK. Previously, he served as Senior Director at the Competition and Markets Authority. He chairs the board of Stonewall.

Director of Regulation at the Central Bank of Brazil

Otávio Ribeiro Damaso is the Director of Regulation at the Central Bank of Brazil. He has previously held positions as Chief of Staff to the President of the Central Bank and Deputy Secretary of Economic Policy at the Ministry of Finance. He chaired the Boards of Directors of Caixa Econômica Federal, IRB Brasil RE, and Banco do Estado do Ceará. A graduate in Economics from the University of Brasília, he has been a career employee at the Central Bank since 1998.

Director of Financial System Organization and Resolution at the Central Bank of Brazil

Director of Financial System Organization and Resolution at the Central Bank of Brazil. Among other responsibilities, he is in charge of the Central Bank's competition and innovation policies. A native of Rio de Janeiro, Renato holds a bachelor's and a master's degree in Economics from PUC-RJ, a PhD from Northwestern University, and a habilitation from the University of Toulouse. Before joining the Central Bank, he was a Professor at the Toulouse School of Economics and a senior researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France). An expert in Public Sector Economics and Industrial Economics, he has written articles on auction design, competition policy, and payment system regulation.

CVM - Securities and Exchange Commission

João Pedro Nascimento is the President of the CVM (Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission) and a Professor at FGV Direito Rio. He holds a Ph.D. and a Master's degree in Commercial Law from USP, a Postgraduate degree in Business Law with a focus on Corporate Law and Capital Markets from FGV Direito Rio, and has completed Extension Courses at Harvard Law School. Currently, João Pedro is a Member of the Corporate Governance Committee of the OECD.

Superintendent of SUSEP

Octaviani holds a Bachelor's degree in Law, a Master's degree in Political Science, and a Ph.D. in Economic and Financial Law from the University of São Paulo (USP). He has extensive experience in legal practice, particularly in economic law topics such as Competition Economic Law and Insurance Economic Law. He served as a Board Member of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) and is an Associate Professor of Economic Law and Political Economy at the USP Law School.


Entrepreneur with over 25 years in the credit market, he created Brazil's first fintech, an online vehicle financing platform, Currently, he is in the financial technology market as CEO of BMP, a leading financial institution in the market, processing credit operations for its own platforms, various fintechs, non-bank companies, and the largest marketplaces in the market.

CEO PagBank

Since 2015, Alexandre Magnani leads PagBank, a complete digital bank in financial services and payments solution and one of the largest digital banks in Brazil. Magnani initially managed the acquiring division of the company, later becoming the COO, and currently serves as PagBank´s CEO. Before that, for more than 15 years, Magnani led MasterCard's initiatives with retailers and fintech’s and had relevant contributions to the companies RedeCard and CrediCard. Magnani has a degree in administration from FGV-SP and an MBA from the same institution.


Central Bank of Brazil

Graduated in engineering and PhD in Economics from Graduate School of Economics at Fundacao Getulio Vargas (EPGE / FGV). Analyst of the Central Bank of Brazil since 1998, where he was Economic Advisor to the Governor’s Office and is currently Head of the Competition and Financial Market Structure Department. He also served at the Ministry of Finance in the areas economic policy and competition advocacy, and was visiting economist at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) between 2013 and 2016.

Central Bank of Brazil

Antonio Marcos Fonte Guimarães is an attorney and a mechanical engineer. He holds a Master's degree in Law, with a focus on Corporate Law, and a Master's degree in Economics. Additionally, he has postgraduate qualifications in Quantitative Methods and in Auditing. Antonio has 15 years of experience in banking supervision and 10 years of experience in the regulation of the Financial System. Currently, he serves as a Consultant in the office of the Financial System Regulation Department at the Central Bank of Brazil, where he deals with issues related to the Organization of the Financial System, artificial intelligence, credit fintechs, crypto assets, asset tokenization, conduct regulation in the Financial System, and other related topics.

Director - CVM

Director of CVM in charge of of the Office of securitization, agribusiness, real estate and inovation securities.

Head of Division at the Regulation Department - Central Bank of Brazil

Senior economist and specialist in financial and payments services, with more than 15 years of experience in the Brazilian banking industry and the public sector. In the private sector, Guilherme has worked for the Itaú-Unibanco and the BBM Bank. At the Central Bank of Brazil, he is the regulation manager leading the team to the conduction of studies and proposals to regulate different financial and payments products to consumers, aspects of behavioral, conduct and customer relationship, and rules for fraud prevention, cybersecurity and cloud. He has also worked on forefront innovative projects as the regulation of the Open Finance, the rules for charging fees in Pix, the creation of the payment institutions framework, and the frauds incidents sharing requirements. Guilherme holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Insper and a master’s degree in Economic Policy from the University of Illinois.

Banco Central do Brasil - Analyst

Janaína Soares currently works at the Department of Financial System Regulation at the Central Bank of Brazil. She graduated in Economic Science from the University of Brasília and holds a master’s degree in Economic Development from London School of Economics (LSE). She has experience in supervision, financial education and also financial inclusion where she coordinated a project of financial education for low income families and another project on data collection and publication in the BCB’s time series database. Currently she works on the team responsible for coordinating the implementation of Open Finance in Brazil.

Banco Central do Brasil - Head of division in the Financial System Regulation Department

Janaina Attie has worked for over 13 years at the Central Bank of Brazil with topics related to the regulation of financial market infrastructure, payment schemes, Pix and is currently working on the coordination team for the Open Finance implementation in Brazil.

Brazilian Central Bank (BCB) – Deputy Head of the Credit Unions and Non-Banking Financial Institutions Supervision Department (since 2024, March)

Professional skills: banking, non-banking and payment institutions regulation (prudential and accounting), authorization processes, monitoring, information management, in-site supervision and resolution; pension fund licensing, monitoring and supervision; responsible for supervised institutions information management (Deputy Head of Department), from 2009 to 2013; responsible for banking and non-banking resolution regimes (Head of Department), from 2013 to 2015); Head of Staff of the Deputy Governor responsible for Authorization and Resolution (from 2015 to 2018); responsible for banking, non-banking and payment institutions (Head of Department), from 2018 to 2021; Chief Licensing Officer and Chief Administrative Officer (Pension Funds Supervisor Authority), from 2021 to 2023

Banco Central do Brasil, Head of Conduct Supervision Department

Juliana Mozachi Sandri is Head of the Conduct Supervision Department of Banco Central do Brasil, responsible for supervising the Brazilian financial system regarding anti-money laundering and combating terrorism, and financial consumer protection. Since 2023, she has been nominated Chair of the International Financial Consumer Protection Organization (FinCoNet). Juliana is a lawyer, Master of Public Administration by the American University, and Doctor of Education by the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. She has been working for the Brazilian government for 16 years in different positions. Before working for the Banco Central do Brasil, Juliana used to work for an international bank.

Central Bank of Brazil - Head Deputy in the Financial System Organization Department

I have worked at the Central Bank of Brazil since 2003. I currently work as Head Deputy in the Financial System Organization Department. The mentioned Department is responsible, among other matters, for examining the requirements and procedures for the licensing, control changes, and corporate reorganizations of banks and other institutions authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil.

Banco Central do Brasil – Department of Prudential and Foreign Exchange Regulation – Deputy Head of Department

Works at the Central Bank of Brazil for 26 years and currently is the Deputy Head of the area responsible for foreign exchange market regulation in the Department of Prudential and Foreign Exchange Regulation. He is part of the team responsible for drafting the new legal framework for the foreign exchange and international capital markets, which modernized the legislation on the subject and aligned it with international best practices and greater international use of the real. He is involved in projects such as the modernization of interbank foreign exchange market regulation, technological innovations, and new business models for international payments, including the regulation of virtual assets within the foreign exchange market. He participates in initiatives led by international organizations to improve cross-border payments and reduce remittance costs. He holds a degree in Engineering, a specialization in Finance, and a master's degree in Economics.

Senior advisor at the Financial System Regulation Department of the Central Bank of Brazil, PhD in Economics and graduated in Electronic Engineering from ITA. Coordinated the technical team responsible for defining the regulatory framework on payment schemes and institutions and new types of financial institutions known as credit fintechs, SEP and SCD; for regulating the environment for recording and negotiating credit rights; and recently for the regulation of open finance.

Senior Advisor at the Regulation Department in the Central Bank of Brazil

Matheus Rauber acts as a senior advisor at the Financial System Regulation Department of Banco Central do Brasil. He has a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Brasília and a masters’ degree in Economics from IDP. He also has vast experience in regulatory affairs, has been part of the team that regulated credit fintechs and regulatory sandbox, and, currently, he works at the team responsible for coordinating the implementation of Open Finance in Brazil.

Managef of Division

Previous experience in CEF, brazilian bank, on operations of capital markets and secutitisation. Ten year on regulation department of BCB, supporting themes such housing finance, covered bonds, securitization and, recently, virtual assets among others.

Banco Central do Brasil, Analyst

Natália Falcão is analyst in the Department of Financial System Regulation at the Central Bank of Brazil. She graduated in Economic Science from the University of Brasília and holds a master’s degree in Behavioral Economics from Middlesex London University. She has experience in financial inclusion, regulatory matters, and currently works on the team responsible for coordinating the implementation of Open Finance in Brazil.

Thaís Figueiredo Pinto graduated in Economics from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul and works at the Central Bank of Brazil since 2012. Initially dedicated to macroeconomic analysis for investment allocation, has migrated to the Department of Financial System Regulation, and for the last four years has been dedicated to Open Finance regulation.

Deputy Head of the Regulation Department at the Central Bank of Brazil

Economist and accountant, master, and PhD in accounting. He has been a server at the Central Bank of Brazil since 1994, where he holds the position of Deputy Head of the Financial System Regulation Department (DENOR). He is a representative of Brazil in the Subcommittee on Financial Statements of the Financial Subgroup of Mercosur and in the Accounting Experts Group (AEG) of the BIS.

Full advisor in Banco Central do Brasil

Valter Camargo has been working in Central Bank of Brasil since 2010. He has a strong background in application security. Valter currently works in the Technological Innovations and Cybersecurity Office as a full advisor. He has also contributed to the Open Finance initiative since its inception, serving as a member of the architecture working group.

Central Bank of Brazil - Deputy Head in IT

Graduated in Computer Science with a PhD in the same field from the Information Management group at the University of Manchester, UK, and passionate about technological innovation. Currently, she holds the position of Deputy Head of the Information Technology Department at the Central Bank of Brazil, leading the Innovation and Cybersecurity Office. She follows and participates in the technology projects of the BCB's innovation agenda such as PIX, Open Finance, and Drex, in addition to keeping up with innovations in the field of AI.


VP of Operations and Product at Zoop

Alessandro Raposo, VP of Operations and Product at Zoop. Alessandro Raposo holds a degree in Computer Science from Universidade Federal Fluminense, with specializations at Kellogg School of Management, Fundação Dom Cabral, and Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Administration, Strategic Planning, Leadership, and Enterprise Management. The executive serves as COO of Zoop, co-founder, and advisor to fintechs in the payments sector, with over 30 years of strategic, entrepreneurial, and practical experience in the financial and payments sectors. He has served as an executive at Citibank and Credicard, as executive vice president in the positions of CIO, COO, and CMO at Redecard S.A., and as an advisor for the implementation of five new acquirers in the Brazilian market.

Bruno Balduccini has joined Pinheiro Neto back in 1991 and has been a partner since 2001, and he is based in the firm’s São Paulo office. His fields of expertise are banking regulations; business law; corporate law; financing; investments; M&A; exchange controls; payments; fintechs and crypto currencies, DLT and Decentralized Financing. In addition to his practice in Pinheiro Neto Advogados, he has been a Standing Member of the of the Banking Law Committee at the OAB (Brazilian Bar Association) and of the Financial Committee of the Brazilian Institute of Business Law (IBRADEMP). Mr. Balduccini holds an LLB from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC (1992), and an LLM in International Banking Law from Boston University (1998). He was admitted to the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) in 1993. He was a foreign associate at Sullivan & Cromwell in New York for one year (1998 - 1999). He is fluent in Portuguese, English and Italian.

Managing Partner at Spiralem Innovation Consulting

Bruno Diniz is Managing Partner at Spiralem Innovation Consulting and Professor on Financial Innovation at the University of Sao Paulo (USP). Regarded as one of the top fintech influencers in LATAM, Mr. Diniz is also an international speaker, and bestselling author of three books on financial innovation.

Antler - founding partner

More than 20 years of experience in technology investments, business building, and digital transformation projects. Founding partner of Antler Brasil, operational partner of Redpoint eventures, director of Intel Capital LATAM for over a decade, and Director of Innovation for publicly traded companies. Recognized speaker and digital consultant and member of various boards and committees.

Consultor do Departamento de Operações Bancárias – Coordenador da Iniciativa Drex no BC.

Fabio Araujo is a telecommunications engineer and PhD in economics and has been working at Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) since 1998. He directly participated in the implementation of the Inflation Targeting framework in Brazil and dedicated himself to advising the conduct of the monetary policy for several years. More recently, Fabio was head of the Office of Economic Advisors to the Governor and currently coordinates the work for the development of DREX - the Brazilian CBDC.

DEC Digital Election Consulting CEO

Giuseppe Janino is a mathematician, was Secretary of Information Technology of the Superior Electoral Court from 2006 to 2021, and is recognized as co-author of the electronic voting machine project of the Brazilian Electoral System. He has received several awards in his career, both related to the voting machine project and other Technology and Innovation highlights. Today, Giuseppe acts as an international consultant in digital elections and biometric identification, as a member of the Advisory Board of the PMI Chapter Distrito Federal/Brazil.

Cofounder & Chief Legal Officer

Jai Massari is cofounder and Chief Legal Officer of Lightspark. Before Lightspark, Jai was a partner of Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP in its Financial Institutions Group. She is a Fellow at the Berkeley Center for Business and Law and a visiting lecturer at Berkeley Law School at the University of California. She is a Trustee on the Board of Trustees of the Practicing Law Institute and an operating advisor at Bessemer Venture partners.

Partner at Halabi Advogados

Partner at Halabi Advogados, specialist in banking regulation, fintechs, and venture capital. She has been working within the new economy for 18 years, is an ex-MeLi, and is the creator and coordinator of the book "Brasil Fintech." Among other things, she acts as a guest professor on these topics at various schools, is a partner in the Next acceleration program at Fenasbac and Lift Learning at the Central Bank of Brazil, is part of the Ignite course mentoring group at the invitation of Stanford University, and has experience as a co-founder and seller of a tech company. Currently, she actively collaborates in numerous efforts to make Brazil a great fintech nation.

Girasol - Chief Strategy Officer

Passionate about innovation and startup investment in Latin America. Experienced with 13+ years of knowledge in Payments, Fintech, Startups, Financial Institutions and Consumer Goods in Latin American markets. Strong experience in business development, team management, finance management, international account management, sales strategy, and international sales. LGBTQ+ & diversity leader and promoter.

Colink Associate and Viseu Advogados Partner

"Partner at Viseu Advogados and Associate at Colink Business Consulting. Legal advisory to local companies from financial services industry, with focus on Fintechs (diverse purposes), payments, digital banks and Bank as a Service (BaaS White Label). Ex- Compliance Director at Zoop (Movile/Ifood). Planned, created and implemented Corporate Governance model, encompassing the Committees of: Compliance, AML, Ethics, Risks, Information Security, Expansion and New Business. Spokeswoman of the institutions next to media/specialized media, congresses, and events. "

Tino pagamentos, CEO

Pedro is the founder and CEO of Tino, the first B2B payment network operating in Latam. The company has so far raised the biggest fintech Series A in Latam and helped thousands of SMBs in the country to buy more and better from their suppliers. Prior to founding Tino, Pedro worked as a fintech-focused VC investor at Kaszek, one of the leading funds in Latin America.

CEO of Tameio

I am a technologist and global financial markets expert with deep expertise in financial treasury - and risk management, regulation and financial technology application. I work in the nexus of innovation, finance, and business, leading global financial institituition to intelligently adopt technology, and use and connect data to increase revenues, engagement, and cost efficiencies, and minimise capital usage.

Founder CEO at Wild Intelligence

High tech entrepreneur, startup advisor, businesswoman. I have been in the tech industry for 25+ years. Beginning of 2024, I co-founded Wild Intelligence Chairperson IEEE Global AI Systems Well-being Initiative. Founder and CEO of Blockchain Israel